I wonder if the Romans 13 bootlickers will say this is fine and dandy and all must obey without thinking this latest outrage as well? Fortunately, in the Bible Romans 13 does not equal absolute authority in all matters of church, home, and state. https://www.koco.com/article/city-of-norman-expands-mask-mandate-to-include-private-homes/34122710
| September 23, 2020 | David Ramirez
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting. https://twitter.com/reproutopia/status/1307785450766163968
| September 23, 2020 | David Ramirez
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting. https://twitter.com/reproutopia/status/1307785450766163968
| September 22, 2020 | David Ramirez
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting. https://twitter.com/reproutopia/status/1307785450766163968
| September 22, 2020 | David Ramirez
| September 20, 2020 | David Ramirez
It’d be interesting to be able to hear what is said, but it is a closed event. It seems like some of the LCMS is still stuck in 1965. The 8th Commandment does not require one to be an idiot…looks a lot like a soft struggle session. https://www.csl.edu/event/student-convocation-on-race-relations/
| September 17, 2020 | David Ramirez
| September 15, 2020 | David Ramirez
Remember ladies, the truth is supposed to hurt. And if you’re a pastor who let’s this shenanigans go on in the church, especially with your wife, woe to you! https://babylonbee.com/news/new-female-version-of-monopoly-has-you-recruit-your-friends-into-a-pyramid-scheme
| September 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
Psychologists declare a "racism pandemic." This is yet another example of why Christian pastors by and large laugh when people talk about the benefits of psychology. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t called to be doctors of the soul, the field can’t credibly be called a scientific field, and what it does get correct is nothing but common sense anyone could have figured out by keeping their own eyes open and ears tuned to the wisdom of the ages. If your "science" isn’t reproducible and doesn’t truly add anything beyond what grounded hobbit sense already knows, your "science" is useless. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/09/systemic-change
| September 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
This is insane, and where false Romans 13 bootlicking will lead. The civil government does not have absolute authority over civil life–there is a difference between a harsh government and a tyrannical government which steps outside its office and attacks that which has sworn to protect. Nor does civil government have unbridled authority in relation to the other estates of home and church. https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/1301077873730568193
| September 3, 2020 | David Ramirez
"We do not question the sincerity or good intentions of those women who have elected to pursue ordained ministry, but we cannot celebrate a decision that contradicts the testimony of the Spirit in His apostolic Word." One quibble and two other things: 1. I am very certain that we can, and should, at least question the "sincerity and good intentions" of those who defy God’s Word. 2. It is also good to remember all the other cave-ins to feminism by Lutherans leading up to female ordination, most notably, female suffrage. 3. But my biggest question is–Are there still "Lutherans" left who ordain women that aren’t all in for every heresy under the sun? Is that "third way" nonsense really still a thing? https://witness.lcms.org/2020/an-anniversary-celebration-to-decline/
| September 1, 2020 | David Ramirez
Glad we continue to shut down the world for this "pandemic". The devil has been busy at work to attack the church, civil government, and the family during this whole situation. https://local12.com/news/coronavirus/cdc-94-of-covid-19-deaths-had-underlying-medical-conditions-coronavirus-centers-for-disease-control
| August 31, 2020 | David Ramirez
| August 29, 2020 | David Ramirez
Bowing to the mob never gets you anywhere. I guess Lutherans still need to learn this lesson. https://amp.jsonline.com/amp/5644548002
| August 28, 2020 | David Ramirez
Hey, I’ve got a great idea! An LCMS high school should be involved with and supportive of a mural that uses the same slogan and revolutionary symbolism as these crazies. That’s got to be the ticket to faithfulness, right? https://thepostmillennial.com/blm-speaker-in-portland-says-police-should-have-been-strangled-by-their-umbilical-cords-and-shes-ready-to-shoot-them/
| August 19, 2020 | David Ramirez
Skynet is rising, and bootlickers still think that Romans 13 means that no one can resist rulers who have forsaken and left their office and have turned into monsters. Pathetic. https://twitter.com/7NewsMelbourne/status/1295277876665671681
| August 19, 2020 | David Ramirez
Should white people riot over this senseless slaughter? Would that be "justified" somehow because of interracial crime trends? Is President Matt Harrison going to issue a statement about this? Are there going to be FB groups for "justice" for this little boy? Is someone going to buy a little golden casket? Are the same people who immediately called George Floyd’s death a murder going to insist that this man is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and receive a fair trial, or are the eyewitness testimony and police report enough to call this a murder? Will this little boy’s family be able to even gather for a funeral? Will coronavirus concerns be tossed out the window like for George Floyd? Also, it’s pretty interesting that the media isn’t covering this. It’s almost like certain people want to increase ethnic strife and division in America for their own ends. Maybe this is just another example of white privilege. https://nationalfile.com/black-man-executes-white-child-in-broad-daylight-in-north-carolina-neighborhood/
| August 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
I’m staring to think that people might be using this virus for their own evil intentions. https://thepostmillennial.com/600-000-people-were-told-they-had-covid-19-despite-not-being-tested
| August 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
When will Christians stop being so dumb as to send their children to be trained by the enemy?!? https://thenationalpulse.com/politics/schoolteacher-interferes-with-trans-race-gay-propaganda/
| August 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
What was really "misguided" was the school supporting and celebrating a teacher who was creating a mural that linked itself to BLM and used communist/socialist imagery. Pandering to the world only earns you its scorn. I wonder if LCMS Lutherans will learn to stop trying to placate the mob before every single one of our institutions is destroyed. https://www.fox6now.com/news/very-misguided-milwaukee-lutheran-high-school-facebook-post-about-blm-movement-sparks-backlash
| August 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
He seems nice…just like this seems to be "just about the science." https://heavy.com/news/2020/08/dr-michael-lederman/
| August 8, 2020 | David Ramirez
Give them a mask and they will take a vaccine. This is an assault by tyrants (and worse) into the life of the Church and familial estate. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/08/06/stop-coronavirus-compulsory-universal-vaccination-column/3289948001/
| August 8, 2020 | David Ramirez
Points for the ministerium to discuss and debate concerning mask mandates. https://www.bugenhagenconference.org/post/concerning-civil-government-ordering-masks-in-church
| August 7, 2020 | David Ramirez
"The unmitigated failure of conservatism is now beyond undeniable. Even the Hillsdale crowd is beginning to recognize it." This is great news and gives some hope that the Missouri Synod might wake up in a few years since the LCMS Intelligenstia is downwind of the Hillsdale bow-tie conservative club. http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/08/conservatives-fiddle-while-usa-burns.html
| August 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
Good commentary from Jason Whitlock. Would that our church leaders would be as sober and careful according to the 8th Commandment. https://www.outkick.com/george-floyd-bodycam-footage-shows-it-wasnt-about-race-will-nbactivists-actually-admit-that/
| August 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
When will LCMSers learn that trying to play the middle between incompatible positions is the worst way forward? It is good that MLS rejected the anti-Christian BLM organization. But to try and make a neat and tidy distinction between the organization and "movement" convinces no one. MLS should just admit that to support a mural full of socialist/communist and black power imagery was really dumb and gave a horrible witness. Maybe another good thing to reflect upon would be how perhaps taking all that government money to educate kids, many of whom are obviously not there to learn the faith, was a short-sighted plan. Also, if this is how many of the alumni of the institution are behaving–like raving Marxists–how much Lutheranism is actually being taught at the school? https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2020/08/05/milwaukee-lutheran-high-school-ignites-firestorm-blm-opposition/3298974001/
| August 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
After a long struggle with high as a kite (and resisting arrest) George Floyd, fearing more resistance and violence, and an ambulance on the way, the officers kept him restrained on the ground. Perhaps they could and should have done more for him. Maybe they were deciding to play it safe rather than sorry. I don’t know. But to say that these police officers murdered him goes way beyond the evidence. This is why sober people who aren’t suckers for virtue-signaling said that it was premature to call his death a racist murder and that we should wait until the necessary evidence was out before speaking about the situation with surety. When will our synod’s leaders learn this?!? It’s like they haven’t been awake to what the media has been up to for years. https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1290391575646932993
| August 4, 2020 | David Ramirez
Not only is this is very akin to the new monasticism, but do people really not realize that Philip was not just a typical deacon?!? He was obviously no longer a deacon after the church in Jerusalem was scattered, but was sent out to publicly preach, teach, and administer the sacraments. He’s a pastor, directly commissioned by an angel of the Lord to go to the Ethiopian Eunuch. I thought we already dealt with the whole deacon thing a couple conventions ago?!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eAWeSzS1W0
| August 3, 2020 | David Ramirez
I do not really have the words to describe this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JelTb5UF12U
| August 3, 2020 | David Ramirez
Disgusting. And the media ignoring it will not help race relations in this country. I wonder if the LCMS will put out a statement on this incident. Or, do you have to riot, loot, murder, and become a trendy leftist cause on Twitter to get noticed by the Karens of Synod. The church in America is failing on many fronts. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/sheriffs-office-confirms-tgp-will-charges-filed-blm-supporter-kneeled-neck-white-baby/
| July 22, 2020 | David Ramirez
"I’m sure just listening and being more sympathetic will make all of this go away." said all the Karens…male and female. https://twitter.com/Adam4d/status/1283087941271801861
| July 15, 2020 | David Ramirez
This is why trusting is "scientific" guesswork built on speculative assumptions is silly and only betrays the fact that you watched too much Star Trek in your misspent youth. The "millions and billions of years" crew doesn’t science very well. http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-precision-of-science.html
| July 14, 2020 | David Ramirez
The insane and wicked are running the asylum. For the sake of our children, the wicked must be crushed. Wake up America. Satan is ripping off his mask right in front of you. #ChristendomRising #DeusVult https://christiansfortruth.com/transgender-activist-facing-50-years-in-prison-for-raping-4-year-old-girl-on-video/
| July 14, 2020 | David Ramirez
She wanted to coach the softball team. This is my shocked face. Good that the school is sticking to its guns, but…THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T HIRE NON-LUTHERANS TO TEACH/LEAD/OVERSEE/YOUR CHILDREN, YOU MORONIC LUTHERANS! https://www.metroweekly.com/2020/07/athletic-trainer-claims-she-was-fired-from-indianapolis-religious-school-for-being-gay/
| July 13, 2020 | David Ramirez
Glad at least some royals showing nobility. She should become a Lutheran princess though! #BringBackChristendom https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/german-catholic-princess-slams-the-pill-for-being-anti-woman-causing-cancer
| July 13, 2020 | David Ramirez
Imagine thinking that this is a good idea. LCMS boomers are so behind the curve, it really should disqualify them from the right to walk and chew gum at the same time…for the safety of others. But perhaps I should look at the beam in my own eye…imagine having used to thunk that a "confessional" administration would have actually moved the Concordias in the right direction. #LostDecade https://www.cune.edu/news/concordia-forms-commission-racial-and-ethnic-diversity
| July 9, 2020 | David Ramirez
Yeah…let’s just make Istanbul Constantinople again. #BringBackChristendom https://time.com/5864661/hagia-sofia-erdogan-mosque-istanbul/
| July 9, 2020 | David Ramirez
| July 9, 2020 | David Ramirez
- Supporting BLM, being put on accreditation probation, getting investigated by the Feds…What craziness is going on at Concordia-New York? Why does a Lutheran college have anything to do with "seminaries in Israel"?!? Clean that place up or shut it down. We don’t need our good name to be sullied by any more scandals at that disaster of an institution. Do any Lutherans even attend anymore? https://westfaironline.com/126392/feds-investigating-concordia-colleges-israel-program/
| July 9, 2020 | David Ramirez
| July 8, 2020 | David Ramirez