Month: April 2018
Let the little children…
Pastor Lincoln Winter’s Evolution book is a must read.
Who even knows anymore?
Theological Education is a good thing
Here is a good book to look into
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, paragraph 79 “So the bishops who are devoted to the pope defend godless doctrine and godless services. They do not ordain godly teachers, and they aid the cruelty of the pope. Besides, they have wrestled away the jurisdiction from pastors and exercise it tyrannically ‹for their own profit›. Finally, in marriage cases they observe many unjust laws. So there are enough and necessary reasons why the churches should not recognize these men as bishops.”
Great opportunity for pastors. If you are a pastor go, if you are not send your pastor.
LCMS Gets Accredited by BBB
The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute
by Daniel Harmelink
If you don’t own one, buy one. If you have one or buy one, use it.
For 2019 Elections and Convention Cycle
International news…
Great Deals at Emmanuel Press –
The Age of Epicurean Delusions: Are Good Works Necessary?
There is no “god”. There’s Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Drama begets drama
When the Law and Gospel are forgotten, this is what can happen…
Departure from the Word always leads to death
Obviously the Augsburg Confession means nothing to them anymore.
This is a great chance to confess the faith of the Augsburg Confession
I think this catches us up, good to see Dr. Rast teaching our districts
Scharr re-elected, some interesting resolutions passed as well
Arkansas Lutherans getting press for their Easter Vigils
First Lutheran makes the news for their Easter Vigil
Greetings to our many followers. We are pleasantly surprised at the number of people who are looking for news from us and hope to deliver. Throughout the day posts will be going up from various news sources. We promise to include a variety of sources and news stories so that everyone will find something to follow.
We are going to add little or no commentary on the stories we share. We figure you will be able to discern from what you know and believe from Scripture and the Catechism in relation to the stories we post. We plan to post stories of both good news and bad in order that you would have an informed view of the situation going on in Lutheranism around the globe.
You will note that commenting is not available on our site, and you won’t find a lot of graphics. We are focusing on the news itself, linked to the source so that you can read for yourself what is going on in the world of Lutheranism.
Since we are primarily founded by members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, many of the posts will relate to the LCMS somehow. We plan to release other stories as well, as we are able and as they do relate to us. Our many contributors will be coming online over the next few weeks as our “net” to grab more news for you spreads. Stay tuned and keep on checking back for more Lutheran news.
The founding editors here at LutheranPundit are Rev. Matthew Dent, Rev. David Ramirez, and Rev. Joshua Scheer. Steadfast Lutherans, Inc. is our parent organization. This site however is meant to be a different kind of news reporting site, less reliant on commentary and more of a news aggregate designed to pass the stories on to you in a faster and simpler fashion.