Month: July 2018

Interesting series

See these starting in the LCMS? How about your congregation?

| July 6, 2018 | LP
Diversity of worship is not good

This is why the Lutheran Confessions praise uniformity for the Church (not that those who innovate worship have read or adhere to the confessions)

| July 6, 2018 | LP
LWF has a new strategy

It’s NOT the faithful preaching of the pure Gospel and right administration of the Sacraments.

| July 6, 2018 | LP
The American Revolution in Lutheran Perspective

An Examination of the Validity of the American Revolution
In the Light of Scripture and English Law –

| July 4, 2018 | Matt Dent

If neo-orthodoxy was a clever way to teach liberal theology under orthodox words, the "complementarian" movement of the last couple decades is just feminism under twisted biblical terminology and garb. And that’s why they’re defenseless–complementarianism=feminism. #BringBackThePatriarchy

| July 3, 2018 | David Ramirez
“In Denial: Catholic Nostalgia for Medieval Christendom”

Obviously, I’d want a reformed Christendom without the papal and monastic nonsense, but who in their right mind would not want a return to Christendom? #ReviveChristendom

| July 3, 2018 | David Ramirez
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