Month: March 2019
Again: How’s that religious liberty working out for you? #BringBackChristendom
Well, contrary to the delusions of traditionalist Catholics, Lumen Gentium did happen.
Woke Muslims sound the same as every other liberal protestant group in America.
Live by the numbers…
Awesome article at Chronicles by Aaron Wolf
Here’s a good post over at Gottesdienst on "Christian Seder Meals."
The promotion of the gay agenda at Concordia Portland undercuts the witness of the LCMS and needs to end.
The importance of finding a faithful church before you decide to relocate is a simple but profound truth. Check out the article!
The importance of finding a faithful church before you decide to relocate. This a simple, but profound truth…Check out the article!
I honestly don’t understand why anyone listens to this guy. How could anyone with any knowledge of the history or theology of Islam say, "But the Salafists aren’t going to try to close down Christian and Orthodox Jewish schools, and compel faithful Christians and Jews to affirm (or lose their jobs and businesses) things they cannot in good faith affirm." This is literally exactly what Salafists (and any serious Muslim group) has done when they get enough power. I think Lenin had a phrase for "allies" like this.
No, really, DO IT!
Positive Post: Moving in the right direction on this one!
"I was looking at post-natal depression and I learnt so much, particularly that it occurs in men and the main cause of that is the feeling of being left out." The world is in total revolt against Creation. Of course, some too-clever-by-half person will say, "There’s no verse in the Bible that prohibits this!"
It’s almost like we were made male and female from the beginning…Let the shrieking begin from those who deny God’s Law, Creation, and reality itself.
The future of the Concordias if nothing is done to stop the Leftist takeover of our heritage.
Feminism does indeed ruin everything it touches.