Month: April 2019

Ben Shapiro Joked about Notre Dame Fire while the Cathedral Burned

So much for the so-called "Judeo-Christian" values.

| April 16, 2019 | David Ramirez
An Australian Rugby Player Stands Strong after Being Fired for Expressing His Christian Beliefs

There will always be blasphemy laws. The only question is "What is so holy that it will not be allowed to be blasphemed." #BringBackChristendom

| April 16, 2019 | David Ramirez
How did America Become a Nation of Slobs?

Answer: When we stopped "shaming" and "bullying" one another and turned into a bunch of mollycoddled crybabies. In other news, get off my lawn while you’re at it.

| April 11, 2019 | David Ramirez
The Swedish Church Creates LGBTQ View of the Bible for Children, Identifies Jesus as ‘Queer’

So glad that Bo Giertz’s compromise with the promoters of women’s ordination worked out so well. #SasseandHardtwereright

| April 10, 2019 | David Ramirez
Buttigieg challenges Pence on LGBTQ rights: “Your quarrel is with my creator”

As if we needed any more proof that going to an Episcopal "church" will teach you exactly the opposite of what the Bible says.

| April 10, 2019 | David Ramirez
61-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Own Granddaughter For Gay Son Using His Husband’s Sister’s Egg

This is why you don’t mess with what God says is His business. He accords to Himself the prerogative to open and close the womb.

| April 10, 2019 | David Ramirez
Mormon church drops anti-LGBT policy from 2015

Whoever once thought that the pagan cult of Mormonism was going to be a pillar of conservatism in America should probably cease and desist from doling out predictions, advice, etc.

| April 7, 2019 | David Ramirez
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