Month: September 2019
Actual research on homeschooling instead of scaremongering: "Compared to children attending conventional schools, however, research suggest that they [homeschooled children] have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults."
Great article on why Amy Barret would be a very bad idea for the Supreme Court. However, my guess is that if you need another reason besides that a charismatic-papist woman should not be in a position of leadership, you probably won’t listen to this article either.
Great article from Gottesdienst!
A hot mess of neoliberal/communist gobbledygook: "Every change calls for an educational process that involves everyone. There is thus a need to create an ‘educational village’, in which all people, according to their respective roles, share the task of forming a network of open, human relationships. According to an African proverb, ‘it takes a whole village to educate a child’." Well, the Antichrist is gonna antichrist. Dewey, the Prussians, and other progressive educational "lights" would be proud.
A hot mess of neoliberal/communist gobbledygook: "Every change calls for an educational process that involves everyone. There is thus a need to create an ‘educational village’, in which all people, according to their respective roles, share the task of forming a network of open, human relationships. According to an African proverb, ‘it takes a whole village to educate a child’." Well, the Antichrist is gonna antichrist. Dewey, the Prussians, and other progressive educational "lights" would be proud.
Yeah, plus contracepting/aborting the next generation, celebrating every perversion under the sun, and thinking men would follow women leaders.
Better question: Why is anyone surprised at this point? Monasticism is a cancer. When it metastasizes, children are preyed upon. What do you expect from the satanic cocktail of works righteousness, monasticism, and papistry?
Absolutely satanic.
Language Warning This would be far more enjoyable if it wasn’t so incredibly accurate. SJWs have proven time and time again that they are zealots willing to "doxx" people, ruin lives, and endanger family members in the name of "justice" falsely called. The only folks more unhinged and pathetic are their "conservative" collaborators. They are coming after Christians…hopefully the faithful will remember what loyalty means.
Excellent FREE Sunday School curriculum available online.
If England was still a Christian nation, it would seek justice for victims and execute those who commit heinous crimes. Instead, they let more "rapefugees" enter their country. It is despicable how so many governments refuse to protect their own citizens.
Meanwhile, European leaders allow the Islamic invasion to continue.
No wonder the crumbling of the American family continues apace…even among Christians! The most well-adjusted people I know stick to "dumb" phones. But even if you "must" have a smart phone, keep the screens away from your kids and be disciplined enough not to turn into a zombie.
Pretty pathetic that even many Christians no longer believe in due process, putting the best construction on everything, and that "Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses." White knights who #BelieveAllWomen and rush to their defense before establishing guilt are not only easily played fools, but have disregarded the Scriptures as well.
I certainly don’t mind the Reporter covering positive things happening at the Concordias–they should! However, it is no wonder that it is often called the "Distorter" when there is an ongoing parade of good news and zero mention of troubling news that LCMS members should be aware of concerning the Concordias–such as the fact that Bronxville is on accreditation probation and there are tons of profs at CUC that promote homosexuality and other things against our confession of faith.
"By 2030, 45% of working women aged 25 to 44 in the United States will be single. That will be the largest share in history, according to research by Morgan Stanley (MS), using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics…The proportion of single women in the workforce is likely to grow as more women get bachelor’s degrees, marry later and wait until they’re older to have children…And as the workforce changes, corporations will have to rethink how they can support employees. One of the biggest barriers that remains for female workers is access to childcare." I don’t think they realize that they are covering the suicide of the West.
Is nothing sacred anymore? Sounds like another case of boomer-cons not being able to tell their daughters, "No." In related news, the CTCR reports that there is no biblical verse that specifically forbids the manufacture of little green army "bazookawomen."
"Sinead O’Connor is apologizing for her past comments criticizing white people and ‘non-Muslims.’ Last November the Irish singer — who converted to Islam in 2018 and now uses the name Shuhada’ Davitt — sparked outrage by sending a self-professed “racist” tweet announcing that she no longer wanted to ‘spend time with white people again,’ blasting them as ‘disgusting.’" Funny how feminists who rage and rebel against the men God provided them…turn around and submit to much crueler lords. It’s almost like God meant what He said to Eve in Genesis 3, "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
3 Keynote Presentations: How the Atonement Shapes Our Pastoral Task — Pastor Fritz Eckardt, No Dearer Treasure: The Faithful Pastor — Pastor Ralph Tausz, Teaching Lutheran Hymnody — Pastor Mark Preus; and, 4 Sermons: Monday Vespers — Preacher: Pr. Jack Gilbert, Tuesday Matins — Preacher: Pr. Daniel Torkelson, Tuesday Vespers — Preacher: Pr. Fritz Eckardt, Wednesday Matins — Preacher: Pr. Aaron Uphoff
It’s so funny (and true!) it hurts!