Month: January 2020

Zoomer Rectitude

Interesting data.

| January 21, 2020 | David Ramirez
Martin Luther King Jr ‘watched and laughed’ as woman was raped, secret FBI recordings allege *
| January 20, 2020 | David Ramirez
Christian mom loses court case against school that forced indigenous smudging ritual on kids

Goverments are never "neutral" when it comes to Christ. "Kiss the Son lest He be angry…" #BringBackChristendom.

| January 10, 2020 | David Ramirez
Disney introduces kids to world of demons, witchcraft in new ‘The Owl House’ show

Is anyone actually surprised? Unfortunately, I would be surprised if many Christian parents insisted that their children keep away from a show promoting witchcraft. I mean, that’s not in the catechism or anything.

| January 10, 2020 | David Ramirez
Hungary Takes On the Feminist Goliath—and Wins

"In an effort to restore curricular and administrative sanity to university education, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party have passed legislation to abolish Gender Studies as an area of official study." #ChristendomRising

| January 10, 2020 | David Ramirez
Possible Methodist Split: Feinberg kept church negotiators at table

Looks like the moderates got the short end of the stick and the libs got the lion’s share. Funny how that worked out.

| January 9, 2020 | David Ramirez
Breakaway moderate Anglican Church (You know, ACNA, the one the LCMS is always doing statements and reports with) puts out new catechism.

It’s definitely a Reformed document, but at least their catechism is available online…for free. |

| January 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
Breakaway moderate Anglican Church (You know, ACNA, the one the LCMS is always doing statements and reports with) puts out a new catechism.

It’s definitely a Reformed document, but at least their catechism is available online…for free.

| January 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
Most U.S. Christian groups grow more accepting of homosexuality


| January 3, 2020 | David Ramirez
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