Month: April 2020
Yes you read that correctly.
If you don’t get it yet, you need to understand that our enemies are not misinformed, well-meaning people. They are satanic monsters who want your children.
"If ratified, article 3 would state that the Russian Federation, ‘united by a thousand years of history, recognizes the historically developed state unity while preserving the memory of ancestors who gave us ideals, belief in God and continuity in the development of the Russian state’. In order to protect family values, a clause should also enshrine marriage ‘as a union of man and woman.’" #BringBackChristendom
This is disgusting. Look what "religious liberty" has wrought. The purveyors of the "Enlightenment" played Christians for fools. LIRS and the other refugee/immigration racketeers who brought these people to our country have sinned against us and our children. #BringBackChristendom #Reconquista2
Hahahahahahahahaha! Of course they did. What else would you expect from them? The ELCA is such a sad joke. This is the destination of moderation and politeness in the face of false doctrine.
It’s one of those hilarious articles where both sides (Jews and liberal "Lutherans") are impressively wrong about just about everything. Also, I wonder what the reaction would be if the shoe was on the other foot? No one wants to defend the absurdities of the ELCA, but how would Jews take it if Christians were telling them what to "call out" and how to believe and practice their religion?
Good, that makes obvious sense since there’s no such thing. #MakeChristendomGreatAgain
Soros and his ilk using Muslims to destroy Christendom…how shocking. #BringBackChristendom
Duh, it’s an invasion. The strange thing is why Christendom isn’t defending herself?!?
BringBackChristendom #Reconquista2
May the Lord bless Our Savior-Raleigh (LCMS) and Pr. Martin
What a joke 95% of "higher" education is. This is what happens when you let your colleges go there own way and put "niceness" over faithfulness.–jtRdwVCbwbDsXBhk1tvQ1W9Bk5cYI
Western Christians are such naive suckers to let these barbarians invade what once was Christendom–totally a hateful move against their own children! #BringBackChristendom
Praise be to God!
"The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said."
Look at that picture and tell me that the ELCA is any type of Christian Church. When do normies finally start questioning the validity of "baptisms" by these literally demonic clowns?
Sanity in Poland. Folks might have to start telling American jokes instead of Polish jokes. #BringBackBlasphemyLaws
Those who don’t "appreciate" progressive education probably aren’t shedding many tears about this.
Duh. They’ve always wanted to steal and indoctrinate your kids. It’s past time to stop sending your children to be turned into the enemy.
A development that has been recognized by many, quantified.
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
Very interesting data–almost all groups in America (at rates of around ~75%) still believe adultery to be always wrong.
ELCA and Pope agree that they can read mother nature’s mind and the message being sent by the coronavirus. These people are jokes.
Messiah Lutheran Church in Kenosha, WI
"I would feel more comfortable with these Muslims as neighbors than with hardline fundamentalist Christians. Why? Because if we lived around Christians, I would feel that my Christian children would have to constantly be on defense about their Orthodox Christian faith, whereas with Muslims, this would probably not be contested territory. Maybe I’m wrong about this, but these kinds of thoughts are the paradoxes of pluralism in post-Christianity." It is important to note that not only is Rod Dreher one of the most absurdly dumb Christian commentators around these days, but that anyone who ever bought into his nonsense should probably not be considered too bright either.
"I would feel more comfortable with these Muslims as neighbors than with hardline fundamentalist Christians. Why? Because if we lived around Christians, I would feel that my Christian children would have to constantly be on defense about their Orthodox Christian faith, whereas with Muslims, this would probably not be contested territory. Maybe I’m wrong about this, but these kinds of thoughts are the paradoxes of pluralism in post-Christianity." It is important to note that not only is Rod Dreher one of the most absurdly dumb Christian commentators around these days, but that anyone who ever bought into his nonsense should probably not be considered too bright either.
He’s the Roman Pope, so you can’t expect much, but seriously, this guy obviously don’t do much theologizing.
Perhaps pro-natalist policies at work?
This short paper is perfect for our situation right now with the coronavirus. It is an excellent, brief resource that addresses common questions surrounding the reality of suffering and God’s omnipotence. Send it to your family, friends, parishioners, neighbors, etc.
…but the congregation was responsibly holding services in compliance with the governor’s order, so the police apologized and left them in peace.