Month: May 2020

Christian Council plans showdown with Bahamas Pride

“We will rally for the cause of Jesus Christ and we are asking all Christians in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to stand with your church; stand with the belief that you believe in maybe this is a time when we must stand against Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a time when the church must be the church if it is that The Bahamas still loves Jesus Christ. We will ring the bell and we will call this nation to God. We are not backing down. We will be as forceful as we need to be to rally the church, so that we can show this nation that Jesus Christ is still Lord." I hope the Bahamas keeps standing strong against this degeneracy. #BringBackChristendom

| May 25, 2020 | David Ramirez
Christian Council plans showdown with Bahamas Pride

“We will rally for the cause of Jesus Christ and we are asking all Christians in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to stand with your church; stand with the belief that you believe in maybe this is a time when we must stand against Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a time when the church must be the church if it is that The Bahamas still loves Jesus Christ. We will ring the bell and we will call this nation to God. We are not backing down. We will be as forceful as we need to be to rally the church, so that we can show this nation that Jesus Christ is still Lord." I hope the Bahamas stands strong against degeneracy. #BringBackChristendom

| May 25, 2020 | David Ramirez
Ramadan: German church opens doors for Muslim prayers

File this under reason number 3481 of why female leaders=civilizational death.

| May 25, 2020 | David Ramirez
UK: School apologizes after 11-year-old students asked to define ‘hardcore pornography’

Disgusting. But what’s even more disgusting is the stupidity of the parents who will still complain…but also still send their kids to such "schools." #MakeBlasphemyLawsGreatAgain

| May 25, 2020 | David Ramirez
Norwegian state TV to broadcast celebration of Islamic holiday

The Enlightenment tricked us into forgetting that "you’re gonna have to serve somebody." #BringBackChristendom

| May 25, 2020 | David Ramirez
Mississippi Church Burned Down because Congregation Was Meeting during Coronavirus Scare

"the perpetrators spray-painted a message that read, ‘I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits.’"

| May 21, 2020 | David Ramirez
UK: Home Office will release grooming gang report after public outcry

Grooming gangs of "migrants" is what feminization and rejection of the Patriarchy brings. A people who no longer believe in anything, will fall for anything. #BringBackChristendom

| May 20, 2020 | David Ramirez
*Wachowskis Release Cut Of ‘The Matrix’ Where Neo Just Takes The Blue Pill*

"The red pill has been co-opted by the alt-right, and we just needed to set the record straight," said Lilly Wachowski. "Now Neo will no longer take the problematic red pill and will instead support the status quo and not cause any problems. It’s much safer this way. Just think about how much happier Neo will be."

| May 20, 2020 | David Ramirez
Secularists and Christians criticise Scotland’s new hate speech laws

There will always be blasphemy laws. The only question is what is considered so sacred that it ought not be blasphemed. #MakeBlasphemyLawsGreatAgain

| May 19, 2020 | David Ramirez
The 3 LCMS District Presidents Send Letter to Governor Pritzker

Good. More of these should be sent at the district level. It would be good to have a letter from the synodical president to the US government as well.

| May 13, 2020 | David Ramirez
*Poland takes on GloboPedo*

Amen. #BringBackChristendom #MakeBlasphemyGreatAgain

| May 12, 2020 | David Ramirez
SIGN THE PETITION: *STOP THE BELOIT CASINO* is a project of Citizens Against Expanded Gambling

For Lutherans in Wisconsin, please consider signing it. This is a worthwhile petition to stop the expansion of gambling in the state.

| May 7, 2020 | David Ramirez
Greece: Migrants attack church on Lesvos, again

Did anyone expect anything else from these enemies of Christendom. #MakeChristendomGreatAgain

| May 6, 2020 | David Ramirez
The Gates of Hell will not triumph

The enzyme that is used in the Quantum Dot ID that Bill Gates wants to use in his "vaccine" is called: "Luciferase." Whatever is going on, it sure is morbid and creepifying.

| May 5, 2020 | David Ramirez
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