Month: September 2020
I wonder if the Romans 13 bootlickers will say this is fine and dandy and all must obey without thinking this latest outrage as well? Fortunately, in the Bible Romans 13 does not equal absolute authority in all matters of church, home, and state.
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting.
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting.
Weimerica is real. Only the stupid would ascribe to stupidity that which is manifestly wicked. If you still have Netflix, don’t bother commenting.
- Normal people hate this, and would support with severe punishment in a heartbeat. Many powerful people defend and enable those who would attack your children. Satanism is real and seeks to deface and mar God’s creation. #BringBackChristendom
But I thought all they wanted was toleration?!?
It’d be interesting to be able to hear what is said, but it is a closed event. It seems like some of the LCMS is still stuck in 1965. The 8th Commandment does not require one to be an idiot…looks a lot like a soft struggle session.
Satanism is alive and well…and gaining ground in the modern world.
Remember ladies, the truth is supposed to hurt. And if you’re a pastor who let’s this shenanigans go on in the church, especially with your wife, woe to you!
Psychologists declare a "racism pandemic." This is yet another example of why Christian pastors by and large laugh when people talk about the benefits of psychology. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t called to be doctors of the soul, the field can’t credibly be called a scientific field, and what it does get correct is nothing but common sense anyone could have figured out by keeping their own eyes open and ears tuned to the wisdom of the ages. If your "science" isn’t reproducible and doesn’t truly add anything beyond what grounded hobbit sense already knows, your "science" is useless.
This is insane, and where false Romans 13 bootlicking will lead. The civil government does not have absolute authority over civil life–there is a difference between a harsh government and a tyrannical government which steps outside its office and attacks that which has sworn to protect. Nor does civil government have unbridled authority in relation to the other estates of home and church.
"We do not question the sincerity or good intentions of those women who have elected to pursue ordained ministry, but we cannot celebrate a decision that contradicts the testimony of the Spirit in His apostolic Word." One quibble and two other things: 1. I am very certain that we can, and should, at least question the "sincerity and good intentions" of those who defy God’s Word. 2. It is also good to remember all the other cave-ins to feminism by Lutherans leading up to female ordination, most notably, female suffrage. 3. But my biggest question is–Are there still "Lutherans" left who ordain women that aren’t all in for every heresy under the sun? Is that "third way" nonsense really still a thing?