Category Archives: Uncategorized

Feminist charisma

| August 7, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

"The feminist dream has turned into a nightmare. Here she finally is, one of the guys, but instead of being loved she is unlovable. She…Read More

Ugly feminists on a plane.

| July 23, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

The Duluth Model and its presuppositions are both absurd and anti-Christian. How sad and pathetic that so many "conservative" Lutherans have been tricked into (or…Read More

A New Bible Translation (by Lutherans)

| July 23, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

A review of the new W/ELS translation: "Evangelical Heritage Version" HT: Pr. Jim Roemke

Out: Servant Leader. In: Servant King!

| July 17, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Harrison, CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers, has a new book out that calls men kings but denies they have any authority #ClassicComplementarianism

Killing God

| July 16, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

"Deicide may not be driving the Great Awokening, but He’s a casualty of the revival. From the GSS, theistic orientation among white liberals over time:"…Read More

Reformation Wall in Geneva vandalised

| July 16, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

I’m no fan of Reformed theologians, but the LGBT savages need to be stopped.

Movie Review: ‘Toy Story 4’

| July 10, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

My review of this review: Coulda been a lot shorter. Lesbian couple in kids movie. Skip it and stop giving money to your enemies.

Discontentment is both the input and the output of feminism.

| July 9, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Absolutely true. Female discontentment is a plague upon our land and fed by our enemies. The Bible covers this in Proverbs 21:19.

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