The ELCA binds mens’ consciences to break the 4th Commandment and support the invasion of our country. Unbelievable. Well, not really…they also say that you…Read More
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The SJWs take another scalp.
So much for John 14:6. Is this what the boomers call "Judeo-Christianity"?
"This is why Christian organizations need to keep out those who are unrepentant and take pride in their sins. It’s particularly important for organizations that…Read More
"I don’t follow the show, but according to the news accounts Christian bachelorette Hannah B is outraged at being slut shamed by fellow Christian Luke…Read More
If the ELCA were a church, I’d be a sedevacantist.
"The feminist dream has turned into a nightmare. Here she finally is, one of the guys, but instead of being loved she is unlovable. She…Read More
I forgot! The other reason why many swim the Tiber is because they’re gay. Just remember this saying and it will all make sense: "The…Read More
Careful what you build your house on!
Lutherans who look to Rome as a bastion of orthodoxy are really, really dumb…which is why those who are foolish enough to convert usually do…Read More
"Shows like "Scandal," "Dear White People," "Veep," and "Shrill’ have been "unapologetically" depicting abortion, which would’ve been "unthinkable a decade ago," according to the abortion…Read More
Good. Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image."
Two things: 1. Notice that only in 1987 a full 90% of Brits disapproved of sodomy. 30 years later it is almost the reverse. That…Read More
Of course she does…she’s not a Christian. She’s on the other team.
The Duluth Model and its presuppositions are both absurd and anti-Christian. How sad and pathetic that so many "conservative" Lutherans have been tricked into (or…Read More
A review of the new W/ELS translation: "Evangelical Heritage Version" HT: Pr. Jim Roemke
And LIRS wants to resettle more Muslims in America? #BringBackChristendom
"According to sources, the only change in the script is a more inclusive update to Armstrong’s famous words when setting foot on the moon, which…Read More
A solid choice for Central Region VP.
Harrison, CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers, has a new book out that calls men kings but denies they have any authority #ClassicComplementarianism
"One of the top promoters of the so-called Lights for Liberty nationwide protests by Trump-hating, ICE-bashing radicals was a nonprofit religious organization known as the…Read More
"Deicide may not be driving the Great Awokening, but He’s a casualty of the revival. From the GSS, theistic orientation among white liberals over time:"…Read More
Why is the LCMS considering "commending" the "ministry" of LIRS again?
I’m no fan of Reformed theologians, but the LGBT savages need to be stopped.
Many Christian Schools are gonna learn that dollars come strings. Taking government money is a risky proposition these days. Don’t let the dollars bedazzle you….Read More
My review of this review: Coulda been a lot shorter. Lesbian couple in kids movie. Skip it and stop giving money to your enemies.
We should fear and love God that we may not curse, swear, use witchcraft, lie, or deceive by His name, but call upon it in…Read More
Absolutely true. Female discontentment is a plague upon our land and fed by our enemies. The Bible covers this in Proverbs 21:19.