The over-domesticated and feminized Swedes need to learn how to defend themselves again. Just remember, LIRS wants to bring even more of these "refugees" to…Read More
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The CTCR opinion on this practice will totally miss the point of the joke, come out in 20 years, and state that the Bible neither…Read More
"Not even corporate profits are more important to the corporate devil-worshippers than codifying evil into the lawbooks. Whatever happened to their previous motto of "if…Read More
Absolutely demonic. This is what happens when there is no discipline in a church body. And if you are naive enough to think that this…Read More
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
I wish we could just blame this on being a purely Minnesota thing, but far too many Lutherans around the country are pathologically altruistic as…Read More
It’s a start…but when will America finally get rolling?
Puke, I really wish I had remained in blissful ignorance.
The LCMS logo doesn’t hold a candle to the Missouri Synod seal.
Too hilarious not to share.
Well, they’re half right. Veggie Tales is dangerous. It’ll rot your faith faster than chugging sody-pop will rot your teeth. #YesNitpickersIKnowItsNotANewStoryAlready
Clown World continues to march onward.
Maybe the young folks are waking up to the fact that perversion really is bad news…for everybody.
Rugby Australia terminated Folau’s multimillion-dollar contract last month after he posted a photo to Instagram in April that said homosexuals were destined for hell unless…Read More
This really should be a Babylon Bee Article…but it’s not. There really are people this ignorant out there. Treasure the Word of the Lord and…Read More
BringBackChristendom #BringBackBlasphemyLaws
Good for the Fundamentalist Baptists…being KJV only probably does have it’s upsides!
This is why you have to have a rigorous doctrinal review process for your home. HT: Pr. Joshua Conradt
"By action of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Board of Directors (BOD) at its May 17 meeting in St. Louis, the generations-old “historic debt” of…Read More
The crazies continue to get crazier. Also, explain again to me why Christians, even some conservative ones, still think psychology is a science.
Excellent resource for those who are afflicted with sickness, infirmity, or suffering in general.
Listen to Hercules. Hercules is right: "A party that supports abortion over Life, illegal aliens over its citizens, and refugees over its veterans is going…Read More
Great reminder as we head towards a synodical convention.
Southern Baptists continue to implode as they cater to SJWs. I sure hope the LCMS isn’t as foolish, but looking at the "anti-racism" resolution on…Read More
Ya know, I think I’ve heard this story a time or two before.
Sad for all the Christian parents who love their daughters…and sad of course for all the bronies as well.
No mention of the LGBT groups at TWO of the Concordias. How long is this nonsense going to be tolerated?
Coming to a leftist country near you.
Of course it will. And no, this is not the Babylon Bee. Why do you Christians continue to give money to your enemies?
Write to District President Hardy to make sure that the LCMS does not commend this partisan liberal lobbying group. (He is the chairman of the…Read More
Write to District President Hardy to make sure that the LCMS does not commend this partisan liberal lobbying group. (He is the chairman of the…Read More
Funny how this tragedy doesn’t get near as much press as others.