Category Archives: Uncategorized

Concordia University System and LGBT… and resolutions for 2019 Convention

| June 13, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

(Why Concordia Portland overtures should be considered) This really needs to be dealt with by the Synod!

The Truth About Men & Church

| June 12, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

HT: Pr. Jordan McKinley

The Fatherhood of God

| June 11, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

As we prepare to celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday and Father’s Day, review the Small Catechism on the Lord’s Prayer and how we are taught by…Read More

The Other Road to Serfdom

| June 10, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Neo-Babelism comes in many flavors.

Missing the Main Story

| June 10, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

The incredible growth of Islam is exacerbating it’s corrosive effects upon world stability.

Why the God-man?

| June 10, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

LIRS and the ELCA, hand in hand

| June 10, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Why in the world would the LCMS go out of its way to commend such an (SJW) organization?

Australian Catholic Schools to Teach that God Is ‘Gender-Neutral’

| June 9, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Just remember that the Roman Catholic Church is just the largest liberal Protestant denomination…and it all will make sense.

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