Category Archives: Uncategorized

Time’s Reluctant Elders

| April 4, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Reflections on Easters past

In Chicago, one mosque charts its own path

| March 27, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Woke Muslims sound the same as every other liberal protestant group in America.

Democracy and Infanticide

| March 26, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Awesome article at Chronicles by Aaron Wolf

Beware the Unleaven of the Pharisees

| March 20, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Here’s a good post over at Gottesdienst on "Christian Seder Meals."

Concordia Portland continues doing its thing…

| March 20, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

The promotion of the gay agenda at Concordia Portland undercuts the witness of the LCMS and needs to end.

Before You Relocate

| March 20, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

The importance of finding a faithful church before you decide to relocate is a simple but profound truth. Check out the article!

Before You Relocate

| March 20, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

The importance of finding a faithful church before you decide to relocate. This a simple, but profound truth…Check out the article!

“A beer fit for an ugly feminist.”

| March 12, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Feminism does indeed ruin everything it touches.

Concordia Portland Should be Shut Down

| March 8, 2019 | LP | 0

LGBTQRSTUV and Safe Spaces now!

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