Category Archives: Uncategorized

The First Institution

| January 20, 2020 | David Ramirez | 0

Methodists Agree to Split Denomination

| January 3, 2020 | David Ramirez | 0

What an excellent idea.

Rod Dreher: The culture war is lost

| December 30, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

What a surprise, Dreher waves the white flag. Why did anyone ever listen to this cheese-eating surrender monkey? The Benedict Option=The Loser Option. #BringBackChristendom

Rod Dreher: The culture war is lost

| December 29, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

What a surprise, Dreher waves the white flag. Why did anyone ever listen to this cheese eating surrender monkey? The Benedict Option=The Loser Option. #BringBackChristendom

The Generation Gap Over Church at Christmas

| December 23, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

Liberal, feminist Christians shocked that the next generation doesn’t take seriously their made up, lame version of Christianity. Ok, Boomer.

Iowa man sentenced to 16 years for setting LGBTQ flag on fire

| December 20, 2019 | David Ramirez | 0

There will always be blasphemy laws. The only question is who or what will not be allowed to be blasphemed. #MakeBlasphemyLawsChristianAgain

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