Category Archives: Uncategorized
The comedy that is made possible by "the current year" is a crazy thing to behold.
"Men who did as much or more of the housework were more likely to get divorced than couples where the woman did most of the…Read More
People who follow the biblical teaching of establishing everything by two or three witnesses saw through this racket immediately. Glad to see that the "science"…Read More
These are indeed the crazy years.
Married priests=good idea. However, I would suspect, as many conservative Roman Catholics do as well, that Frankie is up to other shenanigans as well.
Interesting article.
What a tragedy. May the Lord comfort Pastor Allen Henderson’s family and congregation.
Netherlands: Mosque-run Salafist schools are indoctrinating children with radical Islamic worldviews
Duh, what do you expect will happen when you allow Mohammedans into your country? The modern "West" is not that bright. #BringBackChristendom
Man, new-speak is so twisted! "Purposefully barren" = "Child Free." These people really do view children as a disease.
The cult of conrtraception and Gaia worship do "naturally" go hand in hand.
The cult of conrtraception and Gaia worship do "naturally" go hand in hand.
There will always be blasphemy laws…the only question is what will be considered so holy that it cannot be blasphemed. #BringBackChristendom
If you don’t understand by now that the Antichrist loves globohomo…I don’t know what more will help you wake up.
Hilarious. Talk about schoolmarm overreaction! Somehow I imagine that none of this "concern" and "sensitivity" would be shown if Christianity was being mocked.
This level of absurdity is at just about the same level as the obsession in the LCMS with "comfort dogs" as a mission imperative.
The mainstream media and their lies. 1984 has nothing on the current year.
Actual research on homeschooling instead of scaremongering: "Compared to children attending conventional schools, however, research suggest that they [homeschooled children] have higher quality friendships and…Read More
Great article on why Amy Barret would be a very bad idea for the Supreme Court. However, my guess is that if you need another…Read More
Great article from Gottesdienst!
A hot mess of neoliberal/communist gobbledygook: "Every change calls for an educational process that involves everyone. There is thus a need to create an ‘educational…Read More
A hot mess of neoliberal/communist gobbledygook: "Every change calls for an educational process that involves everyone. There is thus a need to create an ‘educational…Read More
Yeah, plus contracepting/aborting the next generation, celebrating every perversion under the sun, and thinking men would follow women leaders.
Better question: Why is anyone surprised at this point? Monasticism is a cancer. When it metastasizes, children are preyed upon. What do you expect from…Read More
Absolutely satanic.
Language Warning This would be far more enjoyable if it wasn’t so incredibly accurate. SJWs have proven time and time again that they are zealots…Read More
Excellent FREE Sunday School curriculum available online.
If England was still a Christian nation, it would seek justice for victims and execute those who commit heinous crimes. Instead, they let more "rapefugees"…Read More
Meanwhile, European leaders allow the Islamic invasion to continue.
No wonder the crumbling of the American family continues apace…even among Christians! The most well-adjusted people I know stick to "dumb" phones. But even if…Read More
Pretty pathetic that even many Christians no longer believe in due process, putting the best construction on everything, and that "Every charge must be established…Read More
I certainly don’t mind the Reporter covering positive things happening at the Concordias–they should! However, it is no wonder that it is often called the…Read More